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Soft Skills Personality Development for Life Success | ( ₹330 )

Book Description :

The book has been written by an experienced industry professional with a corporate perspective. The author approaches the soft skills training from the point of view of a corporate soft skills training imparted by skillful industry leaders. This has not been written as Theoretical exercise. No boring theory, no wasted time! Rather, each br>Chapter has been approached as a working session: imparting soft skills by solving real problems and discussing workable solutions which the reader can apply immediately and keep for life. The structure of the book is in the form of a personal development compass developed by the author. Just as a compass guides traveller through their journey and helps them to reach their destination, in the same way, the personal development compass too guides the reader to navigate their way through the maze of the different soft skills and help them to polish their personalities. The methodology applied is `learning-by doing’: this approach can be summed up as follows: `educate briefly-then train at length’- on other words, less focus on theory, more real world action and solutions. This is how martial arts instructors work. This is how skilled sports people are trained. The training imparted in the book starts with the objective in mind and then facilitates and demonstrates methods to achieve those objectives. The book has been designed to take the reader through 3 Main verticals vertical 1: br>Theme: confidence headings: relationships & well-being this vertical helps the reader in gaining the mental strength, motivation & confidence to approach their lives with a positive mental attitude. The ability to be optimistic even in diverse situations enables them to develop emotional intelligence and have meaningful relationships with their peers and colleagues, paving the way for the next level of competence. Vertical 2: br>Theme: competence headings: communication & career good communication is a huge demand from recruiters and employers today. In fact, it is a pre-requisite for success. Effective communication helps the reader to get a head start in their careers. They are able to think fast and creatively, impress and convince others of their point of view, they develop good listening skills thereby gaining an edge over others. They become the candidates of choice for promotion and progress. Vertical 3: br>Theme: courtesy headings: etiquette & habits there is a popular saying: the first impression is the last impression. A good first impression is created through effective habits and an ability to say the right thing at the right time to the right person. To develop these skills, The reader learns to exhibit appropriate behaviour in all situations: personal and professional. Sustained behavior becomes a habit. This then becomes part of the reader’s basic nature. A good professional needs to have strong language skills. Recognizing this need, the book has a section in every br>Chapter that highlights important words and business phrases used in the corporate industry along with their meanings. The reader is advised to learn these and use them in their daily lives. Guide maps for using the book · experts quotes · learning milestones · learning mastery: the essentials of the topic · case in point: real world examples for application of the concepts · illustrations and graphics · knowledge check · case studies · applied knowledge based on the case studies · Additional resources · English vocabulary building contents 1: Introduction to soft skills 2: emotional intelligence 3: First impressions, self-esteem and social media presentation 4: team work, conflict management and negotiation skills. 5: Time management and goal setting 6: high-impact communication 7: Verbal communication and business writing 8: presentations and public speaking 9: non-verbal communication. 10: leadership and professionalism 11: resume writing and job applications. 12: group Discussion 13: personal interviews 14: etiquette and grooming.

Author: Prashant Sharma

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